For many teachers, summer has commenced, while for others such as myself, the beginning of a school year is right around the corner. I’ve seen so many teachers on various social media sites using their summer to plan for new and exciting things they want to do the next school year – new labels, bulletin […]
Trying to balance creating content with social media marketing
MAKING PROGRESS For those of you that are established bloggers and solopreneurs, you probably recall when you first began and had to wade through the waters filled with terms such as squeeze page, SEO, meta, keywords, evergreen, content, and marketing. These have inundated my brain this past week to the point that I’ve been unable […]
Unconventional ways to spend summer – starting a side business!
I’m officially a seller/solopreneur! I’d already planned to spend my summer break dedicated to this goal, which has culminated into my first two products on my Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) store! While I haven’t made any money yet, my free R.A.C.E. Paragraph Writing Strategy has been downloaded five times at the time of this post. Baby steps […]
Why I choose to strike a balance between paper and digital learning
Are you someone that uses worksheets in your teaching? I am, despite the fact that I’ve read different blog posts and articles from educators that eschew the practice for more “hands-on” and “real” learning experiences. Don’t get me wrong – I believe that much of the learning should be a real-world experience for an authentic […]
Pivoting – a brand new school year and insight
It’s been a year since I last posted, and honestly feel like I’m talking to an empty room that once held a handful of people. In the blogosphere, a year is a lifetime. So much has happened in that year, and while I’m not going to rehash all of it, I have to admit that I feel […]
A simple way to keep your students’ files organized on their device
It’s that time of the year when my students reflect on what they’ve learned and present it at our annual Portfolio Night. During this digital showcase, they’re expected to gather artifacts from throughout the year that demonstrate how they exhibited our program’s learning outcomes, as well as what standards they’ve mastered in each content area. It’s […]
Checking for understanding by having students create products
It’s that time of the year….TESTING! At my site, the English and Math teachers test students while the other classes teach on a block schedule. This may not be a big deal for you if you already teach that way, but the transition can be tough for some. One of the best ways to make this […]
Accessing FREE eBooks with the Open eBooks app
Back in February, the amazing Open eBooks program began offering thousands of free eBooks to low-income students in America. The New York Public Library developed an e-Reader app that comes loaded with eBooks for students ages 4-18, which can be read without any checkouts or holds. While hundreds of books are already in public domain, the […]