For many teachers, summer has commenced, while for others such as myself, the beginning of a school year is right around the corner. I’ve seen so many teachers on various social media sites using their summer to plan for new and exciting things they want to do the next school year – new labels, bulletin […]
What makes JupiterEd the ultimate Learning Management System
If you’re not using JupiterEd yet, why not? As an educator time management is crucial if you want to have any time for your friends and family! Those who’ve been following my blog already know that I’m a HUGE fan of JupiterEd and extol its virtues and amazing features that I use on a regular basis. And […]
How to submit assignments to JupiterEd from other applications
This is the third installment of my multi-part series on JupiterEd. Last week I covered Juno Docs, and the week prior to that was Basics of JupiterEd. This week I want to show you how students can submit assignments from different apps to JupiterEd. While this tutorial is iPad specific, students can still use the basic […]
The basics of JupiterEd and how it can make teaching easier
This is the first of a multi-part series on some of the specific features of the LMS JupiterEd. This is a beginning/intermediate level overview of JupiterEd and the features that I think are used the most. This will be most beneficial for those who are just starting out, need a refresher, or are just curious […]