Are you someone that uses worksheets in your teaching? I am, despite the fact that I’ve read different blog posts and articles from educators that eschew the practice for more “hands-on” and “real” learning experiences. Don’t get me wrong – I believe that much of the learning should be a real-world experience for an authentic […]
Pivoting – a brand new school year and insight
It’s been a year since I last posted, and honestly feel like I’m talking to an empty room that once held a handful of people. In the blogosphere, a year is a lifetime. So much has happened in that year, and while I’m not going to rehash all of it, I have to admit that I feel […]
Checking for understanding by having students create products
It’s that time of the year….TESTING! At my site, the English and Math teachers test students while the other classes teach on a block schedule. This may not be a big deal for you if you already teach that way, but the transition can be tough for some. One of the best ways to make this […]
How keyboard shortcuts will make your life easier
I have mixed feelings about shortcuts. As a driver, a shortcut to a destination can either be a timesaver or a frustrating “tour of the city.” Google Maps has taken me down some interesting routes, with the only benefit being that I now know where certain roads end. When it comes to my students, I’m not fond […]