You may have noticed from my previous posts that I’m a fairly reflective teacher I’ll admit when I make a mistake in teaching I like to pass on the wisdom gleaned from those mistakes. I especially feel a sense of duty to share everything I’ve learned these past 16 with new teachers. I mean, let’s […]
first year of teaching
5 things I wish I knew when I started teaching
Every seasoned teacher will tell a new one that the first year is the hardest, and understandably so. First-year teachers face an insurmountable challenge of trying to balance classroom culture, classroom management, teaching to the standards, assessment, professional development, staff responsibilities, and home life, to name a few. However, part of surviving that first year […]
An open letter to myself as a first year teacher
Dear Kim, Congratulations on making it through college and your credential program! I know that you’re going to be a fabulous teacher and really change the lives of kids in a positive way. Also, high five for landing your first teaching job! As your future self, I want to give you some friendly advice for […]