Do you have the right mindset to make it as a new teacher?
Near the end of the school year, many new teachers ask themselves a simple yet crucial question: Did I make the right decision to go into teaching? Is it worth the low pay lack of respect lack of resources unreasonable expectations disrespectful students rude parents and much, much more? Then, they begin wondering: Did I […]

Why your students have the right to fail
It’s the end of the semester, and you’re crunching numbers for grades. During this time you’ve: Spent valuable time giving effective feedback Figured out which assignments are worth grading, as well as How to streamline grading, and Finally hunkered down and practically FORCED your students to do their work. Yet despite all of your hard […]

Why now is the time to ramp up your grit and MAKE your students work
On a sleepy Monday morning, I pause at my desk to quickly input attendance. After two clicks, I slowly walk toward the room while peeking at different students’ journal responses. The class, collectively hunched over their desks and silently crafting their response, doesn’t notice as I weave through the groups to where Eric sits. He […]

The ONE THING teachers can do (but refuse to) that will instantly improve their teaching
If you’re a teacher, then you’re probably familiar with the idea of teaching being compared to acting. On any given day, teachers may be tired, depressed, anxious, or generally unhappy, but when the students walk in, they have to be “on.” You might hear the teacher’s voice and energy go up, a smile plastered on […]

Reflect, revise, and refresh after your first grading period
While some teachers are just embarking on their school year, my district just wrapped up its first grading period! For the past 16 years, I’ve taken the time to reflect on several areas of my teaching that are essential to my students’ success. Where am I at in my pacing in relation to where I’d […]

Grading your gradebook: reconsidering grading methods to improve student outcomes
For many teachers, summer has commenced, while for others such as myself, the beginning of a school year is right around the corner. I’ve seen so many teachers on various social media sites using their summer to plan for new and exciting things they want to do the next school year – new labels, bulletin […]