Click HERE for a copy of all of the interview questions from this series!
- What do you know about our school?
- What’s more important to education in the success of our students – tradition or innovation? Defend your answer.
- What perspectives outside of a Euro-centric curriculum can you bring to our classrooms?
- Can you give me specific examples in an ELA classroom of literature you would bring in from a non-Euro perspective?
- What specific supports are you going to need to be successful in our building?
- What are your expectations of a team/PLC, and how do you uphold your expectations of your team/PLC?
Where you can find Rob Fulk:
- His school’s website: Marion C. Moore School
- His school’s Twitter and hashtag: @Mooremustangs #knowmoore
- Rob’s Twitter: @RobFulk
If you have a moment this week, please complete this Google Form. This will help me know if it’s worth the time to create it, as well as what you think I should include. If you complete the form and leave your email, then if I create it, you’ll be invited to beta test it and make it better!
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