How I get more done with the little time I have
New teachers often wonder how they’re supposed to do all of the things involved in teaching within a limited amount of time. It’s like packing for a ski trip with only carry-on luggage – you can try to shove everything into that small compartment, but eventually, your snowsuit is going to bust everything open. As […]

How to conquer assignment grading and take back your weekends
So we need to talk…about grading. You’re thinking, AGAIN? Didn’t you tell me how to grade less while improving student outcomes, and then how to attack that pile of grading? I sure did! But in the past month or so I discovered yet another amazing tool that has cut down the amount of time I spend […]

Why staying organized is the biggest teacher challenge I have yet to overcome
I get asked quite a bit how I manage to teach full time during the day, plan lessons, grade essays, start a side-biz, do webinars and Facebook Lives, spend time with my family, and still maintain my sanity. People wonder if my husband and child are neglected (they’re not), if I have a virtual assistant […]

Here’s an effective way to get organized and tackle that pile of grading
Raise your hand if you have a pile of assignments that still need grading. Raise your hand if that pile is giving you anxiety. Perfect, let’s tackle this head on. Commit to being organized I’m sure you’ve learned or know about time management, but are you actually implementing it? We get so caught up in […]

How to grade LESS while improving student outcomes
Whenever someone learn that I’m a teacher, I get asked about the endless stream of grading. I also get looks of pity whenever I tell someone what grade level I teach (Oh wow!), and then the subject (Oh you poor thing!). It’s common knowledge that when you sign up to be a teacher (especially an […]

How keyboard shortcuts will make your life easier
I have mixed feelings about shortcuts. As a driver, a shortcut to a destination can either be a timesaver or a frustrating “tour of the city.” Google Maps has taken me down some interesting routes, with the only benefit being that I now know where certain roads end. When it comes to my students, I’m not fond […]