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Being a new teacher is CRAZY
You want to know when it'll get easier.
You're stressed out. You work hard.
It feels like there's too much to do and learn,
but you don't have to do it alone!
Click below to grab my FREE
Classroom Management Lesson Planning Guide,
and let's nail this whole teaching thing together!
Get it now!

"Kim has guided me throughout the beginning teacher process, given me sage advice, and has helped navigate the day to day process of teaching in general. She's always willing to reach out whenever I need help.
I felt that Kim was the most influential with my overall confidence by sharing her 18-year tenured wisdom. As a new teacher, I often lack the confidence in my lessons and/or approach to new situations that are continually being presented.
Teachers often joke and say that students smell fear and lack of confidence. There is a hint of truth in that: students will try to get away will test teachers. Being confident while teaching (I believe) is a key ingredient to a successful classroom. It is because of Kim’s help that I have made progress to make that possible."